Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Einstein quotations..Motzart intonations

If ....by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son


ASIMO is a robot developed by Honda .
ASIMO stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility.
Watch ASIMO here conducting the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, in Detroit, Michigan
few weeks ago
He conducts " Impossible Dream" from " Man of La Mancha"
Now the most important two moves that a maestro does are the starting and the closing moves...see how ASIMO does that perfectly
It was an impossible dreams few years ago to see a robot conducting an orchestra, now it is not impossible any more..
for today's dreams are tomorrow's reality, so dare to dream...
.........an impossible dream....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Bono...Pavarotti...A different kind of Ave Maria...

Ave Maria

Where is the justice in this world?

The wicked make so much noise, mother

The righteous stay oddly still

With no wisdom, all of the riches in the world leave us poor tonight

And strength is not without humility

It's weakness, an untreatable diseaseAnd war is always the choice

Of the chosen who will not have to fightAve Maria

(Pavarotti sings in Latin)

Ave MariaGratia plenaMaria, gratia plena

Maria, gratia plena

Ave, ave dominus tecum

(Bono singing)

And strength is not without humility

It's weakness, an untreatable disease

And war is always the choice

Of the chosen who will not have to fight

(both singing)

Ave Maria

Joan Osborne...What if God was one of us...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rever par Les Enfoires

a song for tolerance...

being different

does not mean

being wrong


Francis Cabrel, Julien Clerc, Patrick Fiori,
Catherine Lara, Hélène Ségara
together singing the great romantic song of Pascal Obispo..
Lucie, Lucie c'est moi je sais,Il y a des soirs comme ça où tout...
s'écroule autour de vous.Sans trop savoir pourquoi toujours
Regarder devant soiSans jamais baisser les bras, je sais...
C'est pas le remède à tout,Mais 'faut se forcer parfois...
Lucie, Lucie dépêche toi, on vit,On ne meurt qu'une fois...
Et on n'a le temps de rien,Que c'est déjà la fin mais...
C'est pas marqué dans les livres,Que le plus important à vivre,
Est de vivre au jour le jour.Le temps c'est de l'Amour...
Même, si je n'ai pas le temps,D'assurer mes sentiments...
J'ai en moi, oh de plus en plus fort,Des envies d'encore...
Tu sais, non, je n'ai plus à cœur,De réparer mes erreurs ou de,
Refaire c'qu'est plus à faire :Revenir en arrière...
Lucie, Lucie t'arrête pas, on ne vitQu'une vie à la fois...
A peine le temps de savoir,Qu'il est déjà trop tard...
Mmmm, Lucie, j'ai fait le tour,De tant d'histoires d'amour.
J'ai bien, bien assez de courage,Pour tourner d'autres pages, sâche...
Que le temps nous est compté.Faut jamais se retourner en se disant,
"Que c'est dommage,d'avoir passé l'âge"
Lucie, Lucie t'encombre pasDe souvenirs, de choses comme ça.
Aucun regrêt ne vaut le coupPour qu'on le garde en nous

Buddha Bar 10

Buddha Bar is an upscale restaurant in Paris, France...it has started to issue CDs with ethnic music 10 years ago..through the years..a good collection of inspirational music and songs has been accumulated..here is one of them..Shura Liya

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lara Fabian...Je t'aime

Lara agian is so sensational and romantic here
watch how the fans could not wait for her
and started singing
Some of the words are
" I love you..
I love you
Like a fool
Like a soldier
Like a movie star
I love you
I love you
Like a wolf
Like a king
Like a man
that I had never loved before
You see
I love you"

Lara Fabian....Tango

So Sensational...
love ..
doubt, pleasure and torement

Friday, May 16, 2008

صبحي جرجس

A lot of African influence

نجوى العشري

Very Sweet...
Nagwa adds a feminist touch
to a very Egyptian theme..
Abrag el 7amam

صلاح عبد الكريم....الحصان

Very unique..a mixture of abstract,
surrealism and reality....
here Salah tames the metal
to fit the very natural curves
of his horse...

غاده مبارك

محمود سعيد.....الدراويش

Mahmoud Saied is famous for his curvey lines,
his contrasting colors...
Here he pictures daraweesh
in different stages of ectasy

منير كنعان.....No 13 et une Flèche

Mounir Canaan is one of the modern Egyptian painters...
using abstract themes in his paintings...
this is one of his paintings, No 13 et une Flèche..

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

أوبريت الليلة الكبيرة





The eternal operette by Jaheene and Mikkawy...

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Vince has a lot to tell about than cutting his ear...
His strong bold colors, his thick brush strikes,
his beautiful scenries are a unique combination...
great man..great works

Henry Moore and nature

Henry Moore, a very famous sculptor, speaks here
how he is impersonating nature in his works,
with pictures of some of his sculpture..
He is a modern British sculptor..
he is affected manily by flint stones
in his works...


Klimt is an Austerian dude...
his style of painting is very unique..
brown/yellow are his fave colors
"the Kiss" is his biggest piece

Gerogia O'Keefe...Sensuality..Sexuality

Georgia is a phenomenon...
Her paintings are almost abstract, almsot silent nature..
her feminine sexuality are apparant through her paintings....
here are some of her "flowers"

Ansel Adams..the god of Photography

Adams is the leader of photography in the world..
his photographs
of the American west are so amazing

Joan Miró art, watch and listen to Radiohead too

Miró...very simple..very strong

Picasso painting..Live

Picasso here is finishing a painting in few minutes....
Watch how the camera goes from B&W to colors by the end
very creative...

I think he is painting the story of Evolution...a plant...then a fish...then a bird...then a human...then more humans


Mecano is a Spanish group whose songs are in Spanish,
Sometimes in French and rarely in English
Here Ana Torroja, Mecano singer, sings for Dali, the god of Surrealistic art
Song is Eungenio...means Genius

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Upward and Forward Egypt

Nahdet Masr by the great Mokhtar

Modern Egyptian Art I

Cafe in Aswan by Raghib 3ayyad

ماشربتش من نيلها

I loooooooooooooooooove you Egypt,
my mother , my love, my all in all,
so I am far away,
but you are always inside of me

Dvořák New World Symphony

The 4th movement played by the Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra
in the Cleveland State University Theatre
this theatre is so beautiful and the soundproofing is so perfect
Dvořák is a Hungarian American immigrant
who composed this peace after he came to America

Egyptian party with Snoopy Doggy Dog

Well, it seems a perfect mix here...

Grasshoppers...very funny

This is the story of man, wars..war..wars
What is funny and smart is to picture how Egyptian were fighting each other because of religion...
Thanks to HafSSa

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ثروت عكاشة The Egyptian Prometheus

When I was a teenager, I used to pass by a book store, on my way back from school...

in th vetrina reading the titles of books that I did not understand what they are about.
like Metamorphosis, and Ars Amatoria
by Ovid...

I did not know the greatness of these works
that Dr 3okasha translated until I had a chance to read these books later...

It is a project of immense dimesnsions...

He has helped to spread the light with all his books and all his translations and helping to establish a lot of Egypt's cultural institutions...he is really the Egyptian Prometheus, who stole the fire and the light from the gods and gave it to the Egyptian...

this is a list of some of the books he wrote or participated in..

1. الفن المصرى : الأسطورة والعمارة
2. الفن المصرى : النحت والتصوير
3. الفن المصرى : السكندرى والقبطى
4. الفن العراقى القديم
5. الفن الفارسى القديم
6. الفن الإغريقى
7. الإغريق بين الأسطورة والإبداع
8. الفن الرومانى ( جزآن )
9. الفن البيزنطى
10. فنون العصور الوسطى
11. القيم الجمالية فى العمارة الإسلامية
12. موسوعة التصوير الإسلامى
13. التصوير الإسلامى الدينى والعربى
14. التصوير الإسلامى الفارسى والتركى
15. التصوير المغولى الإسلامى فى الهند
16. مايكل أنجلو
17. فن الواسطى من خلال مقامات الحريرى : أثرإسلامى مصور
18. معراج نامة ، أثر إسلامى مصور
19. الزمن ونسيج النغم ( من نشيد أبوللو إلى أوليفييه مبسيان )
20. فنون عصر النهضة : الرنيسانس
21. فنون عصر النهضة : الباروك
22. فنون عصر النهضة : الروكوكو
23. مولع بفاجنر ، ترجمة عن برنارد شو
24.مولع حذر بفاجنر ، دراسة نقدية
25. المسرح المصرى القديم ، ترجمة عن الأب إتيين دريوتون
* كتب خارج سلسلة تاريخ الفن :
1. المعجم الموسوعى للمصطلحات الثقافية : إنجليزى - فرنسى - عربى .
2. مذكراتى فى السياسة والثقافة .
3. مصر فى عيون الغرباء من الرحالة والفنانين والأدباء ( 1800 - 1900 ) .
4. مسخ الكائنات ، ترجمة عن الشاعر اللاتينى أوفيد .
5. فن الهوى ، ترجمة عن الشاعر اللاتينى أوفيد.
6. النبى ، ترجمة عن جبران خليل جبران
7. حديقة النبى ، ترجمة عن جبران خليل جبران
8. عيسى ابن الإنسان ، ترجمة عن جبران خليل جبران
9. رمل وزبد ، ترجمة عن جبران خليل جبران
10. أرباب الأرض ، ترجمة عن جبران خليل

Best Egyptian radio online..Good News for Me

Very beautiful..very Egyptian...

Click on the icon...

You will really

looooove it

Monday, May 5, 2008

Best radio on line from Paris, France
Cherie FM

Click to listn, 24/7

Les Enfoires...Il Y A Trop De Gens Qui T'Aiment

Les Enfoires is a group
of the best French singers...
every year they have a concert,
and the return goes to a project
or Resturants of the Heart
to feed the poor people...
Je te regarde parler avec les gens
Tu me sembles si léger même transparent
J'regarde passer les jours,
la vie en me disant
Je n'cherche pas l'amour,
je m'y attends
J'te regarde t'amuser et je fais semblant
Mais je n'peux pas t'empêcher d'être un enfant
Toi tu fais de grands gestes, tu as l'air si content
Tu vois des fois j'déteste ce que je ressens
Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment
Et tu ne me vois pas
Je ne sortirai pas indemne
De cet amour avec toi
Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment
Qui tournent autour de toi
Tous les mots d'amour
Que je sème tu ne les entends pas
J'me sens si loin de toi à des moments
Je n'voudrais pas qu'tu crois que je t'attends
J'me force à espérer, mais je me mens
Alors je te regarde t'éloigner tout doucement
Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment
Et tu ne me vois pas
Je ne sortirai pas indemne
De cet amour avec toi
Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment
Qui tournent autour de toi
Et moi évidemment,
Je t'aime à mes dépends
Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment
Et tu ne me vois pas
Je ne sortirai pas indemne
D'cet amour avec toi
Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment
Et tu ne vois même pas
Qu'c'est à cause de toi
Que je mène chaque jour ce drôle de combat
Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment
Et tu ne vois même pas
Qu'c'est à cause de toique je mène
chaque jour ce drôle de combat

Jim Brickman..Mertina McBride...My Valentine

Jim is a soloist piano player composer,

this is his biggest hit..

my valentine..

Kenny the man..playing You're Beautiful

Paco Du Lucia, Al Di Meola and John McLaughlin, the Pantheon of the Guitar...

The gods of guitar
Al, Paco and John
playing medterranean sundance...
a little echoy, still good

Jesse Cook...Playing Luna Ilena..

Jesse is a unique guitar player/composer....
his passionate music and his stylr of playing is unsurpassed...
his music is a mix between Jazz and Flaminco

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chris Botti playing No Ordinary Love

Chris Botti is one

of the best jazz trumpet players...

his biggest hits are Lisa, Midnight without you..

he teams up with other singers

like Sting, Paula Cole, Shawn Calvin in beautiful duetos..

Here he plays Sade's No ordinary love

Paul Taylor playing Pleasure Seeker

Paul Taylor is a promising jazz sax player...

his hits are Pleasure seeker, Hypnotic, PT cruiser and some more

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Egyptian feel good

All you need is love II

Begin the Beguin...Cheryl Craw

Make somebody happy..make somebody strong...

Santana and amigos

Volando entre tus brazos...Marc Anthony

Abraza me...Iglesias

Ma Philosophie..Les Enfoires

Prometheus...spreading the light........

Zeus, the chief of the Olympean gods, took fire from mankind

as a punishment for not being happy with the offerings....

and so mankind stayed in darkeness

until Prometheus, who was a titan

stole fire and the light from Zeus

and gave it back to mankind..

Here is Prometheus

strong, combative, challanging and defiant

looking at Zeus with storng, victorious looks

holding fire in his right hand,to give it to man

Here is man, lying there in the dark

tired , asleep.....

what a great story...and it is applicable to our times now....
painting by Heinrich Fuger

Friday, May 2, 2008

All you need is love

Les Fueilles Mortes....

Les Feuilles Morte




C'est une chanson qui nous ressemble.

Toi, tu m'aimais et je t'aimais

Et nous vivions tous deux ensemble,

Toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais.

Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment,

Tout doucement, sans faire de bruit

Et la mer efface sur le sable

Les pas des amants désunis.

Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle,

Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi

Mais mon amour silencieux et fidèle

Sourit toujours et remercie la vie.

Je t'aimais tant, tu étais si jolie.

Comment veux-tu que je t'oublie ?

En ce temps-là, la vie était plus belle

Et le soleil plus brûlant qu'aujourd'hui.

Tu étais ma plus douce amie

Mais je n'ai que faire des regrets

Et la chanson que tu chantais,

Toujours, toujours je l'entendrai !

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jacque Prevert

Prevert is a very interesting poet ...He manages to write poetry with few words that has a lot of inspiration...
His liberal views and his romantic spirit merged with his exestentialistic soul..using rich descriptive expressions, he reaches to a high level of sensationalism using a picturistic language...that has guranteed him a high status in the world of French poetry....His experience in WWII had- I think- the biggest impact on his writings...and his life in Paris was the second major
impact on him.
Alicante par Prevert
Une orange sur la table"
Ta robe sur le tapis
Et toi dans mon lit
Doux présent du présent
Fraîcheur de la nuit
"Chaleur de ma vie

A touch of Rambrandt

A mix of cubism and self portrait

Picasso young and handsome

Young and handsome