Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Buddha Bar 10

Buddha Bar is an upscale restaurant in Paris, France...it has started to issue CDs with ethnic music 10 years ago..through the years..a good collection of inspirational music and songs has been accumulated..here is one of them..Shura Liya


^ H@fSS@^ said...

i have to say thet after sometime they started to lose thier touch of uniquness, the later cd's became somehow more commercial containing very low level arabic pop music which was not suitable for the overall atmosphere.
cd's 1, 2 and 3 remain the best in my opnion. with a collection of deepak chopra, talvin sing , dzjahn&kamyan and much more, sure it rocked .

Lounge Abu A7mos Al Tibi said...


I totally agree with you...

let me tell you I am very impressed with your analysis fo rthe Buddha Bar series...

Sharafti el lounge

^ H@fSS@^ said...

i7na agreed in i7na elli kharmna el ta3reefah.
so am sure we can analyze anything. :P